The evidence provided below is presented to respond to the Committee's terms of reference for this inquiry, namely:

·           To gain an understanding of the structure and functions of the Public Services Boards.

·           To explore the effectiveness of PSBs, resourcing and capacity.

·           To gather evidence of issues or barriers that may impact on effective working, and examples of good practice and innovation.  



Membership of the


The Ceredigion PSB was established in April 2016 and must improve the economic, social, environmental and cultural Well-being of Ceredigion by contributing to the achievement of the National Well-being Goals.  Members of the Ceredigion PSB are senior representatives from the following organisations:


Ceredigion County Council; Natural Resources Wales; Hywel Dda University Health Board; Mid and West Wales Fire & Rescue Service ; Ceredigion Association of Voluntary Organisations; Dyfed Powys Police & Crime Commissioner; University of Wales; Trinity Saint David; National Library of Wales; Welsh Government; Wales Community Rehabilitation Company; Probation Service; One Voice Wales; Dyfed Powys Police; Department for Work and Pensions; Aberystwyth University; Public Health Wales; Coleg Ceredigion.



Ceredigion Local Well-being Plan


The Local Well-being Plan is based on two Guiding Principles and six Well-being Aims that are highlighted on the following page.  A full coopy of the Plan is available here






Ceredigion Partnerships Structure


In order to ensure that the partnership structure across the County is fit for purpose and is structured in the best possible way to implement the Local Wellbeing Plan, a comprehensive review of partnerships was undertaken across Ceredigion during 2017.


As a result of the review the former partnership structure across the County has been replaced by 6 Project Groups (chaired by PSB partner members) to specifically deliver on each of the Well-being Aims contained within the Local Well-being Plan.  The PSB and Project Groups will be supported by a wide range of cross-cutting forums. The Project Groups will be under the direct governance of the PSB, allowing the forums to adopt a more flexible approach by providing the ability for exception and highlight reporting to the PSB. The PSB can discharge any statutory functions if required.  


Each Project Group will be chaired by a PSB partner member.  With an initial focus on a strategic agenda, group membership will comprise representatives of sufficient status across organisations but will then be fluid and flexible with the capacity to bring in the right officers, staff and others (public and special interest groups) in order to co-produce effective delivery.  The diagram on the following page provides and outline of the new structure.

































Effectiveness of the Board and future procedure


A strong history and tradition of partnership working has been nurtured in Ceredigion since the period of the Local Service Board. The board achieved its Single Integrated Plan which has provided a sound basis to move forward to develop and implement the Ceredigion Local Well-being Plan.


In developing the Local Well-being Plan, the Ceredigion PSB identified that it’s not a ‘business as usual’ approach that’s needed in moving forward.  The agreed Plan offers a step change in how public sector organisations in Ceredigion can work together to add value to what they already do.  There is an emphasis on real collaboration and those actions that would not be taken if the Board did not come together.  The Board recognises the need to change and we are committed to doing so.


The following individuals will be Chairing the Board's Project Groups that will be tasked with implementing the Local Well-being Plan. We believe that this represents an innovative approach that demonstrates the Board's willingness to work in new ways.


Project Group


Enterprise and Innovation

Eifion Evans, Ceredigion County Council

Understanding our Communities

Hazel Lloyd Lubran, Ceredigion Association of Voluntary Organisations

Climate Change and Natural Resources

Ben Wilson, Natural Resources Wales

Co-location and Integration of Front Line Services

Iwan Cray, Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service

Resilience Training

Rhodri Llwyd Morgan, Aberystwyth University

Social and Green Solutions for Health

Ros Jervis, Hywel Dda University Health Board


The Project Groups are currently being established and each one will develop a specific Project Plan outlining their work to deliver the Local Well-being Plan.


The management and support costs for the PSB and the Project Groups continue to be provided by Ceredigion County Council.


As the Local Well-being Plan has only recently been launched and the partnership structure is new we will be in a better position within the year to be able to report on any issues or barriers that can affect effective working along with resources and capacity.  In preparing the first Annual Report on the Local Well-being Plan we will highlight examples of good practice and promote opportunities for innovation across the County.